Archive for September 2007
Another oldie but goodie.
- N.J. police crack down on middle school jaywalkers. 11 year old fined with $54 jaywalking ticket.
Guess he didn't get the memo.
Back story for those who don't know: YouTube video producers met together in Washington Square Park in NYC 7/7/07.
Back story for those who don't know: YouTube video producers met together in Washington Square Park in NYC 7/7/07.
Today in weird news, Iranian president visits New York and gives speech at Columbia University. Speech met with boo's. NY Times cartoonist sums up America's feelings.
I guess it is possible to surf to the end of the internet after all. In fact there's two ends of the internet.
500 years morphed into 2:52.
Translate English to Instant Messenger language. Now if only there was one that would translate it the other way around.
The Monticello Dam located in Northern California has a giant funnel shaped outlet which allows water to bypass the dam when it reaches maximum capacity.

More popular and funny pictures at
More popular and funny pictures at
A four year old girl in Britain was asked to put her hoodie down because the owner said it posed a security threat to his arcade. Jack Bauer unavailable for comment. Common sense missing.
Nobody likes getting error messages, but everyone (well almost everyone) likes fake error messages.
Don't have time to view the movies you want? No problem, hop over to Ultra Condensed Movies and get the drift in a jiffy.
No, not Tag Body Spray. One Colorado school has banned the game of tag. What's next? Red Rover? Four Square? Gym?
It's that time of year to head (back to) college. Excited freshman head off to the college for the first time.... even at 15 years old.
I hope they programmed it to say "help I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Google Earth gets another cool feature and now you can fly around in it. Could they be working on the next edition of Flight Simulator? Who knows, though seems they are working on a SecondLife like program called Third Life.